1368 2020-03-20宣布了!教育部考试中心与英国文化教育协会按要求从2020年3月20日起取消中国大陆地区2020年4月各类雅思考试。而从本周开始,各英国院校开始陆续调整2020年语言班课程重要信息,部分周数的语言课程也从线下转到线上了(语言班开始上网课了),有申请语言班打算的同学,也可以尽快递交语言班申请了,虽然英国语言班变成了在线授课,但是也会有人数申请限制要求的。蔚蓝天地Shelley也为大家汇总了现阶段开设网课语言班的英国学校。
of Glasgow)
“We are aware that you will be receiving lots
of queries around Pre-Sessional courses and we are writing to advise you that
we will be offering the Pre-sessional course in an online format
only. ”
of York)
“As a result of the
ongoing outbreak of novel coronavirus (Covid-19), the University has made a
decision to offer the 20-week, 15-week, and 10-week pre-sessionals online. We
have also removed the deadlines for all programmes in order to provide greater
flexibility for all applicants.”
“Because you will
not require a visa to study the 20-week, 15-week, and 10-week online pre-sessional
programmes, we will accept a range of English language tests to meet the entry
requirements for the programme, eg a non-UKVI IELTS would be accepted.
The following tests are accepted for entry onto online English language
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic)
PTE Academic
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Cambridge Proficiency (CPE)
TOEFL iBT (internet based) (TOEFL MyBest score is not acceptable for meeting
the English language requirement)
Trinity ISE”
3、伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham)
of Nottingham)
“We understand that
your students may not be able to obtain a visa or travel to the UK to start
their English language course on 8 April but we also know that this is a key
part of their journey to joining the University of Nottingham in September
So our CELE tutors are working hard to make sure that all students can access
their English language and academic skills course.
Given that many
students will not be able to travel to the UK, CELE will deliver the course
There are two
stages to the online course:
After your
assessment, students will be able to join our in person 10 week English
language course which starts on 9 July 2020.
If the situation caused by COVID-19 continues, you will be able to continue your English language study online.”
University of Sheffield)
As a result of the
global Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak we will teach our Summer 2020
Pre-sessional English courses online.
You can join the
course from your home country
You do not need a
visa for the online course (if you study in your country)
You do not need
UKVI IELTS, but you must have an approved English Language Test
If you have already
applied for our pre-sessional course we will contact you to confirm or cancel
your place. You do not need to apply again.
Further details on
the course will be added to this site shortly
Please apply as
soon as possible using our usual online application form
If the situation
changes, we will update this web page with further information
University of Edinburgh)
The University of
Edinburgh is aware that delays to processing visas and/or obtaining English
Language qualifications across the world may have an impact on applications for
the Pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes.
We are committed to
providing the 7- and 10-week Pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes
programme and can confirm that we will be offering the programme online
this year. The programme, course content and learning outcomes will remain
exactly as advertised on our website, but the delivery of the programme will
change from in-person to online.
College London)
伦敦大学学院接受Duolingo成绩,需要注意的是,Duolingo 成绩只能用于换取正课的uncon offer,并且后续无需再提交其他语言成绩;语言课是不接受该成绩的,申请语言班还需提交雅思成绩。
of Bristol)
The online course
Our online teaching software will enable you to join a virtual
classroom for the live sessions. You will be able to send messages and
files, interact via audio and video link, and work in groups on shared notebooks. We
have taken different time zones into account when planning the schedule for the
live sessions.
The on-campus course
You will be living in Bristol and joining a physical classroom for
the live sessions. You will be using the same teaching software as the online
course for the guided learning tasks, submission of work and feedback.
The 20,10 and 5-week summer pre-sessional
programmes will now be delivered entirely online and at a distance.
Students should not travel to Durham for their
pre-sessional course.
Further details will be available in the
coming weeks.
of St Andrews)
The 10-week Blended Learning Pre-sessional
course will cover similar content to the standard 10-week Pre-sessional course,
but will be separated into two phases:
an online phase
an on-site phase in St Andrews.
of Dundee)
We will offer
online Pre-Sessional English options for students who cannot get a UKVI IELTs
or a visa in time to join our UK based Pre-Sessional English programmes. We
will also offer all our online students intensive English language support
of Sussex)
The 16 week Pre-Sessional English course will
no longer be running and bookings have been suspended.
We are currently looking carefully at plans to
deliver an 8-week online Pre-Sessional course to take place in the summer.
Entry requirements and information on how to book will be made available as
soon as possible.
At the moment, we still hope the 5 and 10 week
Pre-Sessional English courses will run as normal but will depend upon how the
situation develops. We will keep you updated to any news on this front too.
University of Leeds)
We are currently making provisions to run the programme online. We have
already arranged for the first four weeks to be taught online and it is likely
we will be able to expand this to more weeks or the full course time.
15、利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)
Face-to-face classes for the remainder of the 2019/20 academic year have
been cancelled and the Pre-sessional English course will be delivered online.
Previous planned 16 & 10-week intensive Pre-sessional English courses
have been cancelled.
of Strathclyde)
We're aware that delays to processing visas and/or obtaining English
Language qualifications may have an impact on applications for the
Pre-sessional English courses.
We are now able to offer English language courses online. For further
information please visit our English
language requirements section and follow the ‘contact us’
information to find out more.