1383 2020-03-26宣布了!教育部考试中心与英国文化教育协会按要求从2020年3月20日起取消中国大陆地区2020年4月各类雅思考试。而从本周开始,各英国院校开始陆续调整2020年语言班课程重要信息,部分周数的语言课程也从线下转到线上了(语言班开始上网课了),有申请语言班打算的同学,也可以尽快递交语言班申请了,虽然英国语言班变成了在线授课,但是也会有人数申请限制要求的。蔚蓝天地Shelley也为大家汇总了现阶段开设网课语言班的英国学校。
17、卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)
We recognise this news may be disappointing to your students who may be
holding an offer for this programme. We have therefore developed a new course
as an alternative option for current 20-Week offer holders. This course
will be offered exclusively to current 20-Week Pre-sessional offer holders.
The new course, called the ’12 Week pre-sessional Plus’, will
consist of 3 weeks of self-study followed by a 12 week taught course. Students
who successfully complete this new course will be accepted on to their academic
courses at Cardiff University.
18、赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)
We are aware that delays to processing visas or obtaining qualifications
may have an impact on applications for our pre-sessional courses. We are continuing to monitor the situation
and we are considering alternative actions including the possibility of
offering part of the programme online.
If you have applied for this programme we will update you directly.
19、肯特大学(University of Kent)
In light of the COVID-19 situation in the UK, we have decided to run the
17 week and 10 week pre-sessional English courses using a blended model. This
means teaching will be delivered online until Friday 24 July 2020 and
students will be able to join us on campus on Monday 27 July to complete the
remainder of their courses. However, we will closely review this arrangement as
the COVID-19 situation develops, which means there is a possibility where the
entirety of the PSE courses are delivered online.
We currently intend to run the 6 week and 4 week courses on campus.
Again, this will be under constant review to ensure student and staff safety.
We are in the process of contacting all applicants to ensure they are
aware of this arrangement. Please refer to the international applicant
pages for more information about these programmes.
20、班戈大学(Bangor University)
Due to the Covid-19 situation in the UK some of our pre-sessional English
programmes will be taught online.
The 2020 April - September Pre-sessional course will be on-line only.
The 2020 June - September & 2020 July - September Pre-Sessional
courses may also be on-line only, depending on how the current situation
21、西英格兰大学(University of the West of England)
22、伦敦布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University London)
Our On-line to On-campus courses have been developed to help students who
are not able to arrive in the UK on time to start their Pre-sessional English
Programme. The Online course content is
exactly the same as the On-campus course content for all courses. Online assessment will be available in
August/September for those students unable to arrive in the UK. To follow one of our On-line Only or On-line
to On-campus courses, please let us know which format you would prefer in your
23、奇切斯特大学(University of Chichester)
24、莱斯特大学(University of Leicester)
Pre-Sessional English Courses due to commence March 2020
I have been told by the university that the first three weeks of tuition
for the pre-sessional English language Course will be delivered online.
25、巴斯大学(University of Bath)
Our 20-week pre-sessional English programme starting on 20th April 2020
is still going ahead but will now be delivered in an online format. We will
update students on this course about the exact course and key features as soon
as possible. We are confident we can introduce some additional features (e.g.
more individual written work and feedback) to compensate for the loss of an
on-campus experience.
Our ambition is still to offer our current 10 and 5-week pre-sessional
programmes on the Bath campus in July-September 2020.
26、雷丁大学(University of Reading)
We also offer year-round Pre-sessional English (PSE) courses, which will
include some online learning options. Currently, we still intend to offer these
courses during the summer.
27、拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)
We are currently developing on-line versions of Pre-sessional Course C
(11 week) and Pre-sessional Course D (6 weeks). As soon as more information is
available about these, we will be in touch with applicants to let them know
what they need to do to register for them.
28、密德萨斯大学(Middlesex University)
We'll continue to run pre-sessional English programmes and aim for these
to be partly or wholly delivered online
29、阿斯顿大学(Aston University)
The 18-week Pre-Sessional English course has been cancelled.
The 9-week and 5-week Pre-Sessional English courses will be taught
completely online. There will be no on-campus teaching for these courses.
In addition to accepting UKVI IELTS, we will accept a wider range of
English language qualifications (including non-UKVI English tests) for the 9
and 5 week courses. (Such as non-UKVI IELTS Academic, TOEFL, PTE
There is an option to take the Aston Online English Test for the 9-week
and 5-week Pre-sessional English courses (more information about the Aston
Online English Test will be published by 31st March 2020).