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1904 2020-03-18




那我就以商科学生经常用到的哈佛参考风格(The Harvard referencing style),举例不同类型的文献,引用格式参考是怎样表现在自己的论文中。(最后的文献书目整理参考)

1Journal article(期刊文章)

格式参考:Byrne, M. (2016) 'Children and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy', Journal of Psychology, 4(2), pp. 45-48. doi:10.1080/02619761003602246.

格式说明:作者姓名,缩写。(出版年份)"文章标题"、期刊标题、卷号(发行号)、p.(如果可用)。doi doi 号码(如果在线访问且可用)

注:没有 doi 编号的在线文章

格式参考:Byrne, M. (2016) 'Children and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy', Journal of Psychology, 4(2), pp. 45-48. Available at: https://taylorandfrancisonline.com/154365476121 (Accessed: 23 April 2018).

格式说明:作者姓名,缩写。(出版年份)"文章标题"、期刊标题、卷号(发行号)、p.(如果可用)。可在: 网站地址 (访问: 日月份年).


格式参考:Walsh, A.W. (2012) The treatment of children. London: Collins Books. 

格式说明:作者姓名,缩写。(出版年份)书名。出版地点:出版商。请注意 - 直接引文/短语句子:如果使用了直接引号或转述文本的短部分,则还需要包括页码。

3Translated Works(翻译作品)

格式参考:Walsh, A.W. (2012) The treatment of children. Translated by David Matthews. London: collins books, pp. 83-95.


4Collected works(收集的作品)

格式参考:Allen, C. (2001) 'Feminism in Jane Austen', in Smith, T. Jane Austen: a collection of essays. East Sussex: Sussex University Press, pp. 75-80.

格式说明:文章的作者 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(出版年份) "作文标题"后跟作者/编辑姓,名字。收集的作品的标题。出版地点:出版者,第2页。


5Citing Asian Names(亚洲名称)

格式参考:The book The security environment in the Asia-Pacific by Cheng Tun-jen would be formated in bibliography:

Cheng, T.-jen., 2000. The security environment in the Asia-Pacific, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe.




6Chapters / sections in edited books(章节)

格式参考:Smith, C. (2006) 'Feminism in Jane Eyre', in Brennan, Z. Brontë's Jane Eyre a reader's guide. London: Continuum International Pub. Group, pp. 12-16.

格式说明:部分/章节的作者 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(出版年份) "章节标题"后跟书的作者/编辑姓,名字。书名。出版地点:出版者,第几页。



格式参考:Corrie, M. (2009) A concise companion to Middle English literature. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: http://www.netlibrary.com (Downloaded: 21 June 2011).

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,缩写。(出版年份)电子书标题。电子书收藏[在线]。可在: URL 找到(下载: 日期月份年).

注:e-book reader(电子书阅读器)

格式参考:Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhikker's guide to the galaxy. Ebooks.com [e-book reader]. Available at: http://www.ebooks.com/ebooks/book_display.asp?IID=161294 (Accessed: 29 January 2010).

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,缩写。(出版年份)电子书标题。已下载的网站名称 [电子书阅读器]。可在: URL找到(访问:日期月份年份)。



格式参考:Woodward, E. (2017) Deliciously Ella. Available at: https://deliciouslyella.com/ (Accessed: 20 March 2017).

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,缩写。(网站发布/上次更新年份)网页标题。可在: URL找到(访问:日期月份年份)。



格式参考:Macbeth (1948) Directed by Orson Wells [Feature Film]. USA: Republic Pictures.



10Films on DVDDVD版本电影)

格式参考:The English patient (1996) Directed by Anthony Minghella [DVD, 657475]. USA: Buena Vista Home Video.

格式说明:影片名(发行年份)由导演的前名姓氏 [DVD 或蓝光, 目录号]分销地点:分销公司。



格式参考:The Nuclear Age (2009) ITV Television, 16 June, 21:30.

格式说明:节目名称(广播年份)频道名称、广播日期 - 当天月、传输时间。


12iPlayers or Broadcast box episodesiPlayers 或广播剧集)

格式参考:'Time & Entropy' (2011) Wonders of the Universe - Destiny, 6 March. BBC Two. Available at: BBC iPlayer (Accessed: 15 October 2011).

格式说明:"剧集标题"(广播年份) 系列/季节标题,广播日期。通道名称。可在: iPlayer 名称 (访问: 日期月份年).



格式参考:Shakespeareanimated (2008) BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales - A Midsummer Night's Dream - Part 2. Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr1gk9nwTYY (Accessed: 12 May 2011).

格式说明:发布视频的人员姓名(发布年份视频)视频标题。可在: url 找到(访问: 日期月份年份)



格式参考:'Time & Entropy' (2011) Wonders of the Universe - Destiny, Series 1, episode 4. Netflix. Available at: http://www.netflix.com/gb/title/80025678 (Accessed 15 October 2011).

格式说明:"剧集标题"(广播年份) 系列/季节标题、系列编号、剧集编号、频道。可在: Netflix url找到(访问:日期月份年份)。




格式参考:British Telecom (2008) Office relocation gremlins [Advertisement on ITV1 Television]. 23 June.




格式参考:The Guardian (2007) 'WOMAD festival' [Advertisement]. 14 April, p. 12.



格式参考:Lloyds TSB Bank plc (2008) Selling your house? [Advertisement]. Available at: http://www.hotmail.com (Accessed: 13 February 2010).

格式说明:公司广告(年)标题[广告]。可在: URL找到 (访问: 日期月 (缩写) 年份)。


16Government document(政府文件)

格式参考:Lord Chancellor's Department (1999) Government policy on archives. London: The Stationery Office. (Cm. 4516).


Lord Chancellor's Department (1999) Government policy on archives. London: The Stationery Office. Available at: https://www.gov.co.uk/dangerousdogsreport2019 (Accessed: 12 June 2019).

格式说明:政府部门名称(出版年份)标题。出版地点:发布者。(系列(如果适用)或 doi 或网址:URL(访问:日期)。


17Reports by organisations or individuals(组织或个人的报告:打印报告)

格式参考:Bentley. (2006) The power of mass media in advertising. New York: Bentley.

格式说明:Author/Organisation name. (Year of publication) Full title of report. Place of publication: Publisher.


18e-report/ online report(电子报告/在线报告)


European Commission (2018) European outbreak of Zika 2018. Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Available at: www.reutersresearch.ie/zikareport2018 (Accessed: 10 Mar 2018).

格式说明:作者/组织名称。(出版年份)报告的完整标题。出版地点:发布者。doi 编号或可用网址:URL(访问:年份的日)。


19Articles from print newspapers(印刷报纸的文章)

格式参考:Old, D. (2008) 'House price gloom', Evening Chronicle (Newcastle edn), 26 June, p. 25.

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(出版年份)"文章标题",报纸全标题*,(编辑,如果需要)日月p.X。将标题中每个单词的第一个字母大写,但连词除外


20Articles from online newspapers(来自在线报纸的文章)


Brown, M. (2012) 'Read all about it: how Gilbert & George stole the headlines and made art', The Guardian, 8 March. Available at: www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2012/mar/08/gilbert-and-george-white-cube-exhibition (Accessed: 8 March 2012).

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(出版年份)"文章标题",报纸的全标题*,可在:url(访问:日期月份年份)。将标题中每个单词的第一个字母大写,但连词除外


21Unknown author for a newspaper article(报纸文章的未知作者)

格式参考:The Guardian, (2012), 'Read all about it: how Gilbert & George stole the headlines and made art', 8 March, p. 12.



22Lecture notes(演讲笔记)

格式参考:Smith, I. (2017) 'Week 1: assignment prep.' PSY1001:Psychological Development of Children. Available at: http://psy1001.studydirect.sussex.ac.uk (Accessed: 10 February 2017).

格式说明:Author or tutor - Surname, initials. (Year) ‘Title of item’ module code: module title. Available at: URL or VLE (Accessed: date month year).




23PowerPoint presentations(演示文稿)


Smith, I. (2017) 'Piaget's theory of cognitive learning' [PowerPoint] PSY1001:Psychological Development of Children. Available at: http://psy1001.studydirect.sussex.ac.uk (Accessed 10 February 2017).

格式说明:作者或导师 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(年份)"演示标题"[Powerpoint] 模块代码:模块标题。可在: URL VLE找到(访问:日期月份年份)



24Blog post(博客文章)

格式参考:Robinson, N. (2008) 'Cameron Direct', Nick Robinson's newslog, 4 June. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/nickrobinson/ (Accessed: 11 April 2010).

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(年度博客网站已发布或上次更新)"帖子标题",博客网站的标题,文章的日及月。可在: URL找到(访问:日期月份年份)。


格式参考:Kahlo, F. (1931) Frieda and Diego Rivera [Oil on canvas]. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco.

格式说明:Kahlo, F. (1931) Frieda and Diego Rivera [Oil on canvas]. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco.



格式参考:Kahlo, F. (1931) Frieda and Diego Rivera [Oil on canvas]. Available at: http://www.artstor.org (Accessed 14 May 2011).

格式说明:艺术家 - 姓氏,首字母缩写。(年份)工作名称 [中等]。收集机构,城市。可在: URL(访问:月份年份)。



格式参考:Verity, A et al. (2012) Retail Sales Figures. [Podcast]. 4 June. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/retailsalesfigures (Accessed: 11 April 2019).

格式说明:作者/演示者。(年份网站已发布或上次更新)播客标题 [播客]。播客播出的日及月。可在: URL找到(访问:日期月份年份)。


27Radio programmes(广播节目)

格式参考:Woman's Hour (2019) BBC Radio 4, 28 June, 10:00.




格式参考:Woman's Hour (2019) BBC Radio 4, 28 June, 10:00. Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/play/b0bbp9q9 (Accessed: 8 August 2019).

格式说明:节目名称(播出年份)频道名称、原始播出日期和时间(如有可能)。可在: URL找到(访问:日期)。


格式参考:Verity, A et al. (2012) Retail Sales Figures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.42, graph.

格式说明:姓,初始。(出版年份)标题。出版地点:出版商、页码或图形编号、图形、 图形。


29scientific datasets(科学数据集)


Verity, A et al. (2012) 'HEQ level holdings'. Available at: http://physics.nist.gov/a543d3 (Accessed: 2 August 2019).

格式说明:姓,初始。(出版年份)"数据标题"。可在: URL找到(访问:日期)。


格式参考:National Academies (2012) 'How well equipped are we to manage the effects of the solarstorm?' Twitter, 8 March. Available at: http://twitter.com (Accessed: 10 March 2012).

格式说明:作者 - 姓氏,缩写。(年份)"推文标题"推特,发布日期。可在: URL找到(访问:日期月份年份)。


31United Nations Resolutions(联合国决议)

格式参考:General Assembly (reference number A/RES)

As discussed in the report on Atomic Energy (United Nations General Assembly, 2019) …

United Nations General Assembly (2019) Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Resolution A/RES/74/8. Available at: https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/74/8 (Accessed: 25 November 2019).

格式说明:组织(出版年份)标题。分辨率编号。DOI 或可用网址:URL(访问:日期)。


32International treaties, conventions and accords(国际条约、公约和协定)(在线访问)

格式参考:Convention to prevent and punish the acts of terrorism taking the form of crimes against persons and related extortion that are of international significance. (1973) Treaty no. 24381. United Nations Treaty Series, 1438, p. 191. Available at: http://treaties.un.org/Pages/showDetails.aspx?objid=08000002800d031f (Accessed: 25 November 2019).



33EU directives, decisions and regulations(欧盟指令、决定和条例)

格式参考:‘Directive 2001/34/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 May 2001 on the admission of securities to official stock exchange listing and on information to be published on those securities' (2001) Official Journal L184, pp. 1–66. Available at: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2001/34/oj


Regulation (EU) No 236/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2012 on short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps Text with EEA relevance’ (2012) Official Journal L86, pp. 1–24. Available at: http://data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2012/236/oj

格式说明:"立法类型编号和标题"(出版年份) 官方期刊系列、期刊、页码。如果在线访问DOI 或可用网址:URL(访问:日期)。


34Judgements of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and General Court (GC)(欧洲法院和普通法院的判决)

格式参考:‘Commission of the European Communities v Salzgitter AG’ (2008) C-408/04P; ECLI:EU:C:2008:236. European Court Reports, I, 02767.



35Company annual report(公司年报)


BSkyBLtd.(2012) AnnualReport2012. Availableat: http://annualreview2012.sky.com (Accessed: 9 January 2013).

格式说明:作者或组织 出版年份(括号内) 报告标题(斜体字)出版地点:出版商。如果访问在互联网上,添加:可在: URL(访问:日期)








