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928 2022-09-14


一、School of Education教育学系

1、MSc Education (Open Pathway)教育学硕士(开放课程)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent) and a minimum of one week's full-time (or part-time equivalent) paid or voluntary work experience undertaken within the last five years in an education/teaching setting. Non-traditional qualifications/routes will also be considered.

2、MSc Education (Inclusive Education)教育硕士(全纳教育)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent). Non-traditional qualifications/routes will also be considered.

3、MSc Education (Learning, Technology and Society)教育硕士(学习、技术和社会)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent). Non-traditional qualifications/routes will also be considered.

4、MSc Education (Neuroscience and Education)教育硕士(神经科学与教育)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class undergraduate honours degree (or equivalent qualification). Non-traditional qualifications/routes will also be considered.

5、MSc Education (Policy and International Development)教育硕士(政策与国际发展)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent). Non-traditional qualifications/routes will also be considered.

6、MSc Psychology of Education BPS教育心理学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent). Non-traditional qualifications/routes will also be considered. Applicants who hold a lower second-class honours degree (or international equivalent) may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

二、School for Policy Studies政策研究学系

1、MSc Public Policy公共政策硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent) in a relevant social science discipline, such as sociology, social policy, social welfare, public administration, social administration, demography/population studies, accounting and finance, economics, political science, management, history, philosophy and law. Other academic backgrounds will also be considered.

2、MSc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health营养、体育活动和公共卫生硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree in a relevant field (eg nutrition, sports science, biology, psychology, food science, kinesiology, dietetics, medicine, nursing, policy) or equivalent international qualification. Other academic backgrounds and relevant professional experience will also be considered.

3、MSc Policy Research政策研究硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent) in a relevant social sciences discipline, such as sociology, social work, social policy, social welfare, public administration, social administration, psychology, economics, political science, business administration and management, history, philosophy and law. Other qualifications (including those awarded by professional bodies) and relevant professional experience will also be considered.


三、School of Management管理学系

1、MSc International Business and Strategy: Global Challenges


学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).

2、MSc Management管理学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).

3、MSc Management (CSR and Sustainability)管理学硕士(企业社会责任和可持续发展)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).

4、MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)管理硕士(数字化和大数据)

学术申请条件:A first or good upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent qualification).

5、MSc Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)管理学硕士(创业与创新)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).

6、MSc Management (International Business)管理学硕士(国际商务)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).

7、MSc Management (International Human Resource Management)


学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent qualification).

8、MSc Management (Marketing)管理学硕士(市场营销)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).

9、MSc Management (Project Management)管理学硕士(项目管理)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).


四、School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies


1、MSc Gender and International Relations性别与国际关系理学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equiavelent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

2、MSc International Relations 国际关系硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).  Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

3、MSc Society, Politics and Climate Change社会、政治和气候变化硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equiavelent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

4、MSc International Security国际安全学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent qualification). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

5、MSc Social Science Research Methods (Politics)社会科学研究方法硕士(政治)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent qualification).

6、MSc Development and Security发展与安全学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equiavelent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

7、MSc East Asian Development and the Global Economy东亚发展与全球经济硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equiavelent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

8、MSc International Development国际发展学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equiavelent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.、

9、MSc Contemporary Identities当代身份学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent). Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

10、MSc Social and Cultural Theory社会文化理论硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).  Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

11、MSc Social Science Research Methods (Sociology)社会科学研究方法硕士(社会学)

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).  Degrees from all disciplines are considered.

12、MSc Sociology社会学硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or international equivalent).  Degrees from all disciplines are considered.


五、University of Bristol Law School法学系

1、LLM Law - Employment, Work and Equality法律硕士-就业、工作和平等

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree in law (or international equivalent).Exceptionally, we will also consider applicants who have:

an upper second-class honours degree that included content relevant to the applicant's proposed field of study; or

an upper second-class honours degree in any subject, along with relevant experience in a discipline closely related to the focus of this programme.

Recognised Prior Learning is currently not accepted. Previous or professional experience is not required.

2、LLM Law - Labour Law and Corporate Governance法律硕士-劳动法和公司治理

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree in law (or international equivalent).Exceptionally, we will also consider applicants who have:

an upper second-class honours degree that included content relevant to the applicant's proposed field of study; or

an upper second-class honours degree in any subject, along with relevant experience in a discipline closely related to the focus of this programme. 

Recognised Prior Learning is currently not accepted. Previous or professional experience is not required.

3、MA Law法律硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent qualification) in any discipline.

4、MRes Sustainable Futures可持续未来硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second-class honours degree in a relevant social sciences or law discipline (or international equivalent), and/or a master's qualification. Previous or professional experience is not required. In exceptional circumstances, academic qualifications in non-social sciences subjects may be considered, particularly if the applicant has relevant work experience and a strong personal statement.

5、MSc Socio-Legal Studies社会法律研究硕士

学术申请条件:An upper second class honours degree (or international equivalent) in law, social sciences or another relevant discipline. A background in law is not essential as training will be given during the programme. Recognised Prior Learning is not currently accepted. Previous or professional experience is not required.
