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790 2020-12-18












1 HEC Paris

3 Insead

6 Essec Business School

8 ESCP Business School

14 Edhec Business School

20 EMLyon Business School

28 Grenoble Ecole de Management

34 Kedge Business School

39 Neoma Business School

45 Audencia Business School

55 IESEG School of Management

58 TBS (Toulouse Business School)

58 IAE Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management

63 Excelia Business School

68 Rennes School of Business

70 Essca School of Management

72 MBS (Montpellier Business School)

73 Institut Mines-Télécom Business School

80 Burgundy School of Business

81 EM Strasbourg Business School

83 EM Normandie Business School

88 Paris School of Business


英国19所:在英国的众多学科领域里面,商科课程一直是非常热门的选择。每一年,都会大量的中国学生进行申请。有两所英国商学院跻身前十,伦敦商学院(London Business School)总体排名第二,牛津大学赛德商学院(Oxford Saïd)并列第10。另外三所商学院——华威商学院(Warwick)、剑桥大学贾奇商学院(Cambridge Judge)和帝国理工商学院(Imperial College Business School)——进入前20名。在最新的欧洲商学院排名中,共有19所英国院校上榜,是上榜院校数量第二多的国家。


2 London Business School 伦敦商学院

10 University of Oxford: Saïd牛津大学:赛德

15 Warwick Business School华威商学院

17 University of Cambridge: Judge剑桥大学贾奇商学院

18 Imperial College Business School帝国理工商学院

25 City, University of London, The Business School (formerly Cass)伦敦城市商学院(卡斯商学院)

32 Cranfield School of Management克兰菲尔德管理学院

36 Alliance Manchester Business School曼彻斯特联盟商学院

38 Henley Business School雷丁大学亨利商学院

44 Hult Ashridge Executive Education霍尔特阿什里奇行政教育

48 Durham University Business School杜伦大学商学院

51 University of Strathclyde Business School思克莱德大学商学院

51 University of Edinburgh Business School爱丁堡大学商学院

54 Lancaster University Management School兰卡斯特大学管理学院

57 University of Bath School of Management巴斯大学管理学院

75 Leeds University Business School利兹大学商学院

85 University of Glasgow: Adam Smith格拉斯哥大学亚当斯密学院

88 Birmingham Business School伯明翰大学商学院

90 Aston Business School阿斯顿大学商学院


德国 6所提到德国,很多同学会想到理工科教育比较厉害。但是其实德国在商科领域也是比较出色的

9 ESMT Berlin

19 WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management

21 Mannheim Business School

26 Frankfurt School of Finance and Management

45 HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

75 University of Cologne


荷兰 5所:在荷兰读书有大部分人都说英语,商学院和大企业联系密切,荷兰也是欧洲交通、商业、金融中心,也是进行贸易和投资的好地方。

15 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

32 Tias Business School, Tilburg University

41 Nyenrode Business Universiteit

63 Maastricht University School of Business and Economics

63 Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management



7 University of St Gallen

10 IMD Business School

40 HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne

69 University of Zurich

73 ZHAW School of Management and Law



4 Iese Business School

12 IE Business School

12 Esade Business School

29 Eada Business School Barcelona

67 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



